Friday, July 9, 2010

Third Coast Beer

I’m trying to post more often than I have but the move and now work are really getting in the way of my beer drinking!

Today I’ll be talking to you about Third Coast Beer from Bell’s Brewery in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Third Coast Beer is an American Blonde Ale not to be confused with Third Coast Old Ale, also from Bell’s. I can’t imagine why they

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would have wanted to name two of their beers extremely similar things, but they did.

I’m not exactly sure where Third Coast Beer is available because the Bell’s website obviously hasn’t updated that list recently. According to them it isn’t available in Iowa, where I bought this six pack. If you’re curious about its availability in your area you’re probably just going to have to hit the store and check it out.

I cracked open my first ever Third Coast Beer, took a big whiff, and was pretty disappointed. I haven’t homebrewed much but when I’ve tried a few of those batches have gone pretty horribly wrong. Third Coast Beer smelled exactly like one of those batches I managed to ruin somehow. It has pretty hoppy smell, but also a bit of a citrus scent to it. I know that actually sounds nice, but it wasn’t nearly as good as it sounds.

Then I poured it into a pint glass, just to be further disappointed. There was a bit more sediment floating around than I usually like. I’m not saying that I want my beer to all have Bud Light clarity with absolutely nothing floating; this was just a little much for me.

By the time I actually got around to trying the beer I was, needless to say, already a little sour on it. As usual, I was wrong. I’m not saying I was blown away by the flavor or anything, but it was pretty darn good! From now I should probably forget about putting any stock in how a beer looks or smells, the flavor is the only truly important thing to me.

At first taste the hops are absolutely in control, but they’re also balanced out pretty well by some wheat and some malt. The whole taste comes together pretty well and the end result is crisp and surprisingly refreshing. Even after you swallow the flavor hangs out on the tongue a bit longer most beers with a bitter, hoppy aftertaste.

I didn’t think this was going to fit in with the last two beers I reviewed but with an ABV (alcohol by volume) of just 4.8% and that refreshing taste I just mentioned it is another ideal summer beer!

Overall, this is better than the average grocery store beer, but wouldn’t be near the top of my list in a specialty store with a wider selection. I’ll probably buy it again but only after a decent amount of time passes and I get curious again.

Oh, and if it was driving you as crazy as it was driving me, the map on the label is of Losco County, Michigan on Lake Huron.

I’ve got a sampler six-pack from Schell Brewery in New Ulm, MN in the fridge downstairs so watch for that review sometime this weekend.


  1. I've tried this one and I've got to say, I HATED it!

    I was looking for Bells Third Coast Old Ale, which is this amazing barley wine. Instead I got this depressing slightly-better-than-average POS...Good thing I only bought one.

  2. That’s a more than fair opinion; Third Coast Old Ale is a better beer!

    Like I said, I wasn’t a fan of the appearance or smell at all, but I really didn’t have a problem with the flavor. However, that could have been tainted by the fact that I worked construction all day. Just about any beer would have tasted wonderful after a day of moving sheets of drywall up a few flights of stairs!
