Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Free Beer For Life?

I know I just put up a post about Brew Dog, but give me a break, they do some pretty interesting stuff!

While perusing the internet for interesting beer things I found a myriad of articles (including this one) about Brew Dog. The articles went on and on for pages and pages either in support of, or decrying the irresponsibility of, their promotion to offer free beer for life to anyone willing to get a brew dog tattoo at the opening of their new bar in Aberdeen, Scotland. Some of the articles even said that Brew Dog was even going to be bringing in a tattoo artists to do the work at the bar itself!

Image Source

It seemed like everyone in any kind of position of power in Scotland was livid that the Brew Dog guys would even consider encouraging tattoos or drinking. Up next I’m sure they might…*gasp*…….listen to rock music or cut foot loose!

So here is the problem with this whole deal, it isn’t actually happening (guess now I regret the brew dog tattoo I prematurely got). Well, at least not as stated by all of these websites and blogs.

According to the blog on the official Brew Dog website facts were overstated and distorted. They haven’t even worked out the details of the promotion yet. Moreover, they specifically clarify that it wouldn’t be something like “as much beer as you can drink while still sitting up.” Instead, it would be something closer to getting one or two free beers a week. Personally, that still sounds pretty good!

Even after the sensationalisation of this story wore off, it is still a very cool promotion. Between that, their extremely high alcohol beers, and their general attitude, I think I’m becoming a serious fan of Brew Dog. That’s embarrassing to say about a brewery whose beers I’ve never even tried, but I guess I just need to order a bottle of Sink The Bismarck from their website or something.

Or YOU could buy me a bottle!


  1. I think having in-house tattoo artists at a bar that serves high-gravity beers is extremely irresponsible...and hilarious.

  2. Yeah...I kind of love the idea though. At least when those people wake up after a wild drunken night they won't just have a tattoo though, they'll also have a few free beers every week for life!
